The Wellsburg AMVETS Post No. 91 was organized in January 1947 with about 30 charter members. The first officers elected were Lester Huisman, Commander; Harm Meyer, Vice-President; Bud Krull, Provost Marshall. In April of the same year plans to organize and hold a V-J Day Celebration on July 25-26 were set in motion. The big, two-day street celebration was to feature concessions, rides, and various entertainments, with the highlight being a raffle for a brand new 1947 Chevrolet car! All receipts from this celebration were the beginning of their building fund.
In October of 1947, two lots were purchased in the Sunny Slope addition from M. H. Tjaden. The stakes were finally set in September 1948 for the cement block 40×80-foot building that would become home to the newly formed organization. By the end of December the building was entirely enclosed so the inside finishing could be completed during the winter months. The basement contained the kitchen, dining room, club room, restrooms, and heating plant. The 80 members of the organization, with many of them carpenters, volunteered hundreds of hours of labor towards the building of the hall. The Wellsburg AMVETS Post #90 was the first in the county of their branch of veterans\’ organizations to get a home of their own.
In January of 1950 the AMVETS were able to host their first social event in the new building. A year later the AMVETS completed plans for the skating rink. Opening day was 20 January 1951! Admission was 25¢ for 14 years and below, and 50¢ for over age 14. A huge crowd was present for the skate night and all the available skates were in use. Skate times thereafter were set for every Wednesday evening, and every Saturday afternoon and Saturday night. Young and old enjoyed the skate rink over the years. Dick Gelder had charge of the floor for the first years.
The community benefited greatly from the use of this building. Many organizations, clubs, dances, banquets and events were held at the AMVET hall over the years. Sadly, in October of 1976, the building was badly damaged by fire and a complete loss. It was not rebuilt.
And who won the car?? A WWII vet from Hampton – Harold J. Murphy.
If anyone has a photo of this building, we would love to have a copy. Please email us: wellsburghistoricalfoundation@gmail.com
(This was originally shared on 17 June 2021 on the Facebook Group – Wellsburg IOWA Historical Foundation)