The year was 1921. Wellsburg was to have a creamery! Having sold his creamery in Buck Grove, H. G. Kramer moved here to start a new creamery. Lots on the corner of 4th and Lincoln were purchased for the creamery and a home for his family. C. C. Reiter staked the ground for the tile buildings. The tile was a new kind which had a felt strip running thru the wall, which was to take up the moisture and keep the inside of the wall dry even during the dampest weather. Area farmers began adding to their dairy herds in order to supply the creamery with the needed cream. M. H. Tjaden bought some of the finest Guernsey dairy cows and had them shipped from Wisconsin. Opening day was 20 March 1922 with 37 patrons furnishing 218 gallons of cream, enough for nine tubs of butter, weighing 63 pounds each. Most of the output was sold in the New York market!